ITI students visit at CRISP

1Mittal Institute's ITI students were present at CRISP for an Industrial Visit. The industrial visit to CRISP was highly educational for the ITI students, offering them a valuable opportunity to see the practical implementation of their studies.

It helped bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world applications, enhancing their understanding of modern industrial practices and technologies.

The exposure to different departments provided a comprehensive view of the interdisciplinary nature of industrial operations, preparing the students for future careers in the electrical and mechanical trades.

The career guidance session provided a comprehensive overview of the various paths available to the students. By exploring the different roles and industries they could enter, the students gained a clearer understanding of their potential career trajectories and the steps they need to take to achieve their professional goals.

This guidance, combined with their practical exposure during the visit, prepared them to make informed decisions about their future careers.

#industrialvisit #itistudents